Rodel Fellowship Class of 2008
Jennifer Beck
State Senator, New Jersey
Dan Branch
State Representative, Texas
Sean Burrage
State Senator, Oklahoma
Jack Conway
Attorney General, Kentucky
Ryan Coonerty
Mayor of Santa Cruz, California
Chris Coons
County Executive, New Castle County, Delaware
Brian Dubie
Lieutenant Governor, Vermont
Lynn Finnegan
State Representative, Hawaii
Heidi Gansert
State Representative, Nevada
Douglas Gansler
Attorney General, Maryland
Karen Handel
Secretary of State, Georgia
Robert Hurt
State Senator, Virginia
Shannon Jones
State Representative, Ohio
David Pepper
County Commissioner, Hamilton County, Ohio
John Pippy
State Senator, Pennsylvania
Christopher Rants
State Representative, Iowa
Jamie Raskin
State Senator, Maryland
Tate Reeves
State Treasurer, Mississippi
Mike Sanders
County Executive, Jackson County, Missouri
Kyrsten Sinema
State Representative, Arizona
Lena Taylor
State Senator, Wisconsin
Robert Thompson
State Senator, Arkansas
Title and affiliation reflect position at time of nomination to the Rodel Fellowship.